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Theory of zero or Shunya

Shunya is a number but it has wide meaning for Vadas,  scintists and mathematicians. For mathematicians Zero is just a number put after any number multiplies its value by ten like 2 put a zero and number becomes twenty and put second zero it becomes two hundred and so on and so forth. Alone zero is equivalent to nothing. Think about mathematics without this “nothing”  “Zero” and whole mathematics becomes zero without a zero.

When you add and subtract the same value number  the result is always zero for example +2-2=0 and +100-100=0 and +Infinity  –infinity=0 this shows that any two numbers added and subtracted the answer is zero and it precisely also explains that zero can be split into two equal positives and negatives.  

Now after understanding this lets talk about our atom which is the base of creation of universe and also the base of Physics and Chemistry where atom is made up of equal no of positive and negative Neutrons, protons and electrons. So if these negative and positive forces are combined the result is nothing but if they are split the result is an atom which is the base unit of all creations in this earth as well as whole universe.

As per the laws of science anything that has mass and exerts  gravitational force is called as matter so in space there are two energies or matters one is dark matter about which our science understands very little and another is white matter as white matter was always been found out and dark matter was considered as empty space but surprisingly scientists were thrilled to find out that the place which we considered as empty does not scatter any light or electo-magnetic radiation However, astronomers can indirectly observe dark matter as its mass exerts a gravitational force on the space-time surrounding it. As light travels from distant galaxies, it will be bent around gravitational distortions in space-time — much like the paths of marbles rolling across a bent sheet of plastic being caused by the dense regions of dark matter.

So if we consider dark matter as negative force and white matter as positive force then the outcome will be that whole universe is made up of zero again that means everything in this universe is made up of nothing.

Scientists took so much time to understand this The Nasadiyahymn of Rig Veda (X.129)                  clearly refers to the objective aspect which is very close to the Belgian scientist George Lemaitre’s primeval zero volume atom and ultimately to the concept of pregnant zero, and the universe was created from that primeval zero- volume atom. In this paper an attempt has been made to give a philosophical exposition of the 'Big Bang' theory of the creation of the Universe as reflected in the Vedas. In Vedic texts Creation of the Universe is discussed from many angles and in Scientific world scientists are also trying their best to explain the creation of the Universe from scientific point of view along with experimental evidences in respect of creation of the universe. In some cases it is found that science and philosophy are converging and in some cases it is seen that they are going parallel to vadic theory of creation of universe by zero.